
From JAVA with Love; Bram's journey at Optis

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For 6 years now, Bram has been working as Software Engineer / Java Developer at Optis. Switching from internal projects to larger assignments for major companies, he has become an established member of the team. And the end is not yet in sight. Discover Bram’s full story!


With a master’s degree in Applied Sciences & Engineering in the pocket (VUB, specialization: Computer Science), Bram got in touch with Optis after a number of detours. And to think that it all began with a visit to the butcher, where he found a post-it with some contact details. On the sticky note: the coordinates of an employee of XTi. Bram reached out, whereupon XTI put him in touch with de Cronos Groep and the people of Optis. He immediately got an offer for a full-time contract. And so he started in October 2014 as a Software Engineer / Java Developer, first focusing on internal projects, after which he gradually moved on to external assignments.


In his early years at Optis, Bram mainly focused on internal assignments, while following several training courses. Bram’s first major project was at Toyota Motor Europe, where he could immediately prove himself in a lead management assignment. Each occasion can translate into potential leads and conversions. Therefore, Toyota Motor Europe strived for an automated event-driven application in order to optimize the management and maintenance of all incoming requests. Especially, as the latter might flow through different sales funnels. That’s why they decided to join forces with Optis.

At Optis, it’s the little things that make a big difference.

For this backend-oriented project, Bram relied on a combination of AWS Lambda, Node.js and Kibana (data visualization dashboard for Elasticsearch). An adequate approach for a profound visualization and management of inbound leads.

In addition, Bram did another project for Toyota Motor Europe, one within the framework of the GDPR legislation. A company-wide effort to collect and unify consumer data scattered across many existing data systems. In order to bring everything together and to deduplicate superfluous information, a combination of a cleanly designed REST API and machine learning was used. A solution which will play a critical role in the company’s ongoing effort to adhere to new European regulations regarding the handling of consumer data.

Currently, Bram is doing an assignment for Kind & Gezin, again with backend focus. The core objective of this project is an enhanced monitoring process of the ‘Groeipakket’ they’re offering. This to ensure that all involved stakeholders receive the appropriate information.


Bram is passionate about all things related to the cloud. Something in which he definitely wants to deepen his knowledge and expertise. Or put differently, always keeping up with the latest technology trends in his field of expertise. And fortunately that is something that Optis strongly facilitates and encourages.

All employees receive a training budget, which enables them to attend workshops, go to conferences or join other interesting events in the industry. In addition, there is an internal knowledge session each month, where someone from the Optis team gives a presentation. This way, personal growth is highly stimulated. Furthermore, your own preferences are taken into account when assigning projects.

Personal growth is highly stimulated. Furthermore, your own preferences are taken into account when assigning projects.

At Optis, it’s the little things that make a big difference. Making sure that every member of the family feels happy at work is an absolute priority. What more could you possibly be looking for in an employer?!

Inspired by this story? Interested in joining the Optis family? Don’t hesitate to get in touch and let’s talk!

Keshia Niemegeerts

February 8, 2022

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